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Try avoiding TeeVee and movies for a long enough period to become excluded from group activity sometime - everybody you know will think you are somehow weird. I intend to continue after recent revisitations reminded me I was right.
It seems that as pop culture media escalations ensue that the public follows suit. It's been going on forever. The cop shows are some of the worst of it. The cop show always show some muscle-bound bald goon beating up "bad guys." But howcum' the moovees and teevee never show the cop shotgunning the family dog in front of a six-year old like happens everyday in this fools paradise called America? Huh? Howcum' they never show the heroic poleese ocifer planting a gun on someone he's just murdered or shot in the back? Because reality has nothing to do with this immoral scheme to program the population into thinking that all cops and government workers are good and looking out for you and me.
If you read the voluminous body describing the common excessive violence our police commit - you might wonder where the heck the law is? Oh that's right they are the law. That's what makes this brainwash version of reality dangerous. As far as lawyers and judges - collectively speaking - as a group they just need to find new jobs without training replacements. Who needs a bunch of pompous asses who can't tell right from wrong judging the rest of us? It ain't that hard - read the Bill of Rights.
Oscar Wilde said "Life imitates art more than art imitates life." I no longer wonder what he meant - we are living it.
There is no question in my mind now (duh) that our media is complicit in the dismantling of what was once a good place. No - I don't mean America has been perfect, or that I was wrong and this place was never good. The population in America's recent past - the one I grew up in was different than that today. Good people seem to be a dying breed. Right and wrong was not a debate - it was obvious. Lying, cheating and stealing were not up for debate - they were punished. Today people seem to subscribe to the "end justifies the means" approach they've absorbed - with a population that just figures might makes right. If you win you are right. If you have more money you are right. If you have more power you are right. And those with the most power and money "win" then get to write their own version of history making them "right" and the rest of us "conspiracy theorists."
So the World War 2 veterans fought the NAZIs because Hitler was killing without trial, committing genocide, was a fascist, took the guns from the population, lied to invade countries that never attacked him, tortured people - you know all the stuff that...uhm....er...our own government is doing now. So how to "fix" things to make sure the public thinks that what is going on now is somehow not inconsistent with past mushroom food fed to the mushroom masses? Instead of getting back to the Bill of Rights and Constitution - the crooks that caused this calamity want us to believe their new improved version of history that is consistent with their lies.
But it really has nothing to do with "place" - it has to do with people and the deliberate manipulation of what they get to "eat" with their minds. You know - the food one feeds to the mushroom-masses while keeping them in the dark.
So the World War 2 veterans fought the NAZIs because Hitler was killing without trial, committing genocide, was a fascist, took the guns from the population, lied to invade countries that never attacked him, tortured people - you know all the stuff that...uhm....er...our own government is doing now. So how to "fix" things to make sure the public thinks that what is going on now is somehow not inconsistent with past mushroom food fed to the mushroom masses? Instead of getting back to the Bill of Rights and Constitution - the crooks that caused this calamity want us to believe their new improved version of history that is consistent with their lies.
But it really has nothing to do with "place" - it has to do with people and the deliberate manipulation of what they get to "eat" with their minds. You know - the food one feeds to the mushroom-masses while keeping them in the dark.
People respond to stimuli. Although this statement sounds trite it is something that for some reason has taken decades to finally sink into my thick skull.
Those who control the stimuli control the reactions. So - by controlling the stimuli the masses are subjected to they can be herded down a narrow path where the possibilities of their reactions can be limited within the spectrum of options originally presented by the puppetmasters controlling the daily drivel delivered via the boob-toob.
Once one realizes the above - George Orwell starts to make more sense as we need not work too hard to understand his statement: Go here : 1984 by George Orwell
"Those who control the present control the past, and those who control the past control the future."
So those who control the internet control the past, present and future. And the control of the internet is essential to realizing this TOTAL INFORMATION CONTROL. That's why the "women and children" are constantly dragged out to push this tyrannical agenda upon the masses.
The wars are all possible thanks to the media. No other corruptive apparatus we face has more of an influence on the outcome - because only the media can control the possibility spectrum. Yes - we may discuss one subject or another - but who gave us that subject to talk about in the first place? The media. And if that media is the internet - you can bet on it that you are only seeing the "tip of the iceberg" while the ship is skirting disaster with the business end of that iceberg being left out of the picture.
"Bread and Circuses" kept the Roman masses from doing anything while the whole empire just fell apart around them. That's what American Tee Vee does best - mind-phuk everybody via outright lies, lies of omission, and "Circuses" - but let me say a thing or two about the "circuses."
The first Tee Vee movie I was exposed to recently (since almost everybody that knows me knows I avoid any pop culture) was when someone turned on a telescreen at their house. The scene was of a man standing and one tied to a stretcher or something. Turns out one person in the room already saw the movie - the one person said "Is he gonna kill that guy?" The other answered "No first he's going to torture him then kill him." Person one asked that the channel be changed - I suggested sports then left.
Today, while standing in a room I noticed on the telescreen that was already playing three cop cars driving up a street - then heroic cops beating up some dirty-looking people - then a scene where one guy was going to cave the other's face in with a rock - geez. Kinda' reminds me of what Orwell gave us a hint on coming attractions in 1984:
" April 4th, 1984. Last night to the flicks. All war films. One very goodone of a ship full of refugees being bombed somewhere in the Mediterranean.Audience much amused by shots of a great huge fat man trying to swim awaywith a helicopter after him, first you saw him wallowing along in thewater like a porpoise, then you saw him through the helicopters gunsights,then he was full of holes and the sea round him turned pink and he sank assuddenly as though the holes had let in the water, audience shouting withlaughter when he sank. then you saw a lifeboat full of children with ahelicopter hovering over it. there was a middle-aged woman might have beena jewess sitting up in the bow with a little boy about three years old inher arms. little boy screaming with fright and hiding his head between herbreasts as if he was trying to burrow right into her and the woman puttingher arms round him and comforting him although she was blue with frightherself, all the time covering him up as much as possible as if she thoughther arms could keep the bullets off him. then the helicopter planted a 20kilo bomb in among them terrific flash and the boat went all to matchwood.then there was a wonderful shot of a child's arm going up up up right upinto the air a helicopter with a camera in its nose must have followed itup and there was a lot of applause from the party seats but a woman down inthe prole part of the house suddenly started kicking up a fuss and shoutingthey didnt oughter of showed it not in front of kids they didnt it aintright not in front of kids it aint until the police turned her turned herout i dont suppose anything happened to her nobody cares what the prolessay typical prole reaction they never----"
Yes - I was right all those years ago - this is madness. People keep watching this crap - can't walk away - have to see if they are really gonna' do it....
Television ads are expensive because Tee Vee is a powerful medium - it influences every aspect of the human psyche.
The Tee Vee "nooz" is no different. More entertainment - with another propaganda wedge used to split the masses into contollable blocs. Blondes with big tits don't anger me as much when they are selling a war as dickheads like some of the lying "gentlemen" on the Tee Vee.
From 1984:
From 1984:
"The messages he had received referred toarticles or news items which for one reason or another it was thoughtnecessary to alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify. Forexample, it appeared from 'The Times' of the seventeenth of March that BigBrother, in his speech of the previous day, had predicted that the SouthIndian front would remain quiet but that a Eurasian offensive would shortlybe launched in North Africa. As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Commandhad launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone. Itwas therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of Big Brother's speech, insuch a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually happened. Oragain, 'The Times' of the nineteenth of December had published the officialforecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in thefourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the NinthThree-Year Plan. Today's issue contained a statement of the actual output,from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grosslywrong. Winston's job was to rectify the original figures by making them
agree with the later ones."
Orwell's character Winston Smith was employed in his dictatorship to change the records to make sure that if anyone wanted to see what the truth of a matter was - the spectrum of possibilities available to the truth-seeker would be limited to a narrow band - just the ones needed to make the lies presently being told to the public today true by changing the historical record. Was Orwell a soothsayer? No - this game has just been going on a long time - he was warning us of the scam he new was already going on and... some say - participated in.
It is obvious that the U.S. media needs to be shattered into a thousand pieces. No central control will benefit citizens collectively or individually. It is as simple as that whether you or I like it or not.
It is obvious that the U.S. media needs to be shattered into a thousand pieces. No central control will benefit citizens collectively or individually. It is as simple as that whether you or I like it or not.
I forgot a subheading: "Monkey See Monkey Do"
That's a awesome article. I enjoyed the article a lot while reading.
Deletejob games
anna games
Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever.
ReplyDeleteJack Is Sooooooooooo Perfectly Programmed, He Doesn't Realize It--Even As He Gloats He's Successful At Resisting
Jack: what u don't consider is how well and PERFECTLY the Jews-media succeeded for its thought-control upon u:
(a) Observe how u've been so brilliantly prejudiced against anti-Semitic Christianity--our dear Christianity which was designed to protect us and our society against these satanic monsters called Jews.
(b) U imagine thus that Christianity is against reason, Jews laughing up their sleeves as u complain and babble about dear Christianity, worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against lies, Jews being foremost leaders for this worship of lies and lying.
But for Christianity, properly understood, reason is perfect part of Holy Spirit for apprehension of TRUTH (Christ), the only way to Godly happiness, Holy Spirit then (1) reason, (2) honesty, and (3) the integrity of this rationality and honesty throughout the spirit, conscious and sub-conscious (sentiment & emotion).
(c) ON THE OTHER HAND, observe how u pretend Jew monsters are okay, no essentially diff. fm anyone else, that they're "persecuted" as they steadily exterminate all humanity, as they did when they directly controlled old USSR, Jews now occupying outrightly 3 places on the 9 member US Sup. ct., w. probably a 4th in way of crypto, Soto-Mayor; Israel getting all the NSA info, unfiltered by USA; Jews occupying 7 of 11 places of Nat. Security Council, etc.--yet fools and suckers like u CONTINUE to defend these monsters.
So u see Jack, how u've been SO PERFECTLY programmed, trained, and indoctrinated?--even, ironically, as u imagine u've done such "good" job (ho ho ho ho ho) resisting the "pop culture," as u pretend?
Do u begin to grasp the pathetic IRONY?
There's NO ONE more perfectly programmed than u, Jack, defending as u do ur own murderers (esp. the master-minds), the Jews
Remember how it was so falsely and idiotically said Jews so merrily paraded into the concentration camps and gas-chambers?--the actual fact is that this is precisely true about such zombies like u, Jack, who defend psychopathic monsters, called Jews, as u do, so loyally. There's NO ONE more perfectly programmed than u, as I note once again. It would be laughable if it weren't sooooo miserably sad and frustrating for Christian soldier like myself.
ReplyDeleteanswer to :
a) God made us all predjudiced since we are imperfect - therefore I am a work in progress - working to realize and hopefully correct my own predjudices. But I never asked any Christians to protect me - that's my job and the job of each and every American citizen - Bill of Rights provides the standard.
b) I don't see where I made an argument about Chrisianity being against reason. All I said was that my definition of religion is "organized one-mindedness." The organization of people into robots that bypass critical thought so they can simply repeat the "truth" someone told them doesn't seem a worthy use of the brain God gave anybody. Remember: God already invented the parrot. Why should a human mock God and dumb themselves into parrotdom?
c) Again - I don't need to single out Jews or anybody when it comes to following a trail of evidence. Yes there are Jewish mafia and conspiracy all the time. Fox news Cameron did a great job exposing that years ago before it faded out of the public mind. I'm for rounding up ALL the crooks - I don't care about who their daddy is.
Finally: Yes of course I am programmed like everyone else. That doesn't mean I have to be a quitter too. That would be two "sins" - so I'll have to keep up the good fight -
Focusing In On Problem And Part Jews Play
ReplyDeleteOk Jack, but remember B. of Rights came fm Christians and Christianity. U seem to admit to some hostility to Christianity, which Christianity was meant to be hostility to Jews.
Surely u can see how Jews encourage such hostility to Christianity?--even if it was construed as hostility to all religion. Note how Jews are so perfectly one-minded in their anti-Christ way.
Another note is that some people don't have confidence in and for reason, logic, and science; thus they seek leadership, Christianity thus seeking to provide that, even apart fm reason, though not, properly, against it.
Note I didn't entirely try to dissuade u fm the one-mindedness--for religion & Christianity do indeed strive to unify folks in something of one-minded manner--but what's necessarily wrong w. that? Note I further tried to explain the sort of INTEGRITY the Christian Holy Spirit tries to provide/achieve.
But u do indeed deserve credit for keeping up the good fight, indubitably. I still think my description here, above, does good job for describing the job Jews have done against Christianity and reason through their instrument, the TV, and as u much describe--I just thought ur own analysis for this blog could be taken a little further. Take good care; keep up ur good work. A.
ReplyDeletePoints taken - yes my analysis is far from complete. It is difficult to write things at the speed I would like to communicate them. It seems the spoken word suits some topics better than others and this post was about all I could muster for the time ...