The 4th of July is my favorite holiday because it commemorates our Liberty. Part of the ceremony has been a fireworks display. I don't know what the "Newspeak" people are telling the kids these days but when I was growing up they told me it was to remind us of the sounds of the guns.
Recent news articles
(full story here)
discuss the lack of funding in some cases for fireworks for the 4th. I know they are doing their best.
I wonder how many fireworks could be purchased to remind Americans of the sounds that secured their freedom if we could drop one fewer of these this year?:
"(AP) U.S. missiles struck a training facility operated by Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud and a militant communication center Friday, killing 17 people and wounding 27 others, intelligence officials said. " (dated July 3, 2009)
full story here.
sorry 'bout links, i'm not at my own computer