
US corporations involved in double-dealing during WW2


  1. Only Anti-Semitism, Hence Christianity Can Save Humanity

    Sutton is great author: he wrote many excellent works, one on Skull and Bones fm which we get so many of the ruling psychopaths--like Bushes. I read Sutton's "Wall Street..." works. The big banks funded EVERYONE, by means of "central banking" (just legalized COUNTERFEITING), including nazis and bolshies, the purpose being to drive to one-world gov., using the Hegelian dialectic, creating thesis and anti-thesis to arrive at synthesis one wants.

    People are stupid, and prosperity creates over-population of morons which Jews and buddies manipulate--that's why we have Christianity. But Christianity MUST be understood properly. Thus Jews make Christianity to serve Jews as we see now. What's ESSENCE of Christianity?--that's what people must grasp--TRUTH against Jew lies--as in Gosp. JOHN.

    Another problem is over-populated stupid people can't figure-out MONEY MUST be commodity--u can't just print it up. But again, people are stupid (HUBRIS), imagine their wishes can come true, they can be God and create reality, making paper into money. And Jews are always there to help, guide, and organize stupid people to kill themselves and one-another, glorying in "morality" by which they can be "good" w. a ticket to heaven, etc.

    Thus the objective reality is DETERMINED (there being no perfectly "free" human will), hence CYCLIC, we being now in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, "decline" phases always ruled/controlled by Jews and collaborators who push the subjectivist, hence "good" illusion among the suckers who are over-populated.

    Thus heroes and patriots must make use of Christianity against Jews, teaching folks how/why Christianity is necessarily "anti-semitic," which "good" suckers don't want to face. Thus our work is cut-out.

    1. Apsterian,

      I deleted that "loopy" vid from you tube. Thanks for the heads up on it - I didn't know it did that and kept looping.

    2. It wasn't a bad vid--but u didn't seem to have anything much to say about it aside fm ur title to the blog, without giving any reasoning or circumstances.

    3. With the many blogs which I have encountered, barbie cooking games I never expected to see a very beautiful post online. free music games .After viewing this one, I felt so lucky to see its content.

  2. Apsterian,

    I took those religious blogs down - too much hatred arises from such examinations. I'm not so sure such a criticism of religious beliefs will do anyone any good because it always sounds disrespectful and causes resentments.
    I believe people can and should believe anything they want to.

    1. JR is just a slimey, cringing coward, pure and simple.

      What a slimey, cowardly weakling u really are--as we see now. "Too much hatred"?--u simply lack respect for humanity, reason, etc. Isn't hatred, etc., what religion is SUPPOSED to be all about?

      U're "not so sure . . . criticisms of religious beliefs will do . . . good"?--what a putrid, crawling, abject coward u are.

      "[S]ounds disrespectful and causes resentments"?--SO WHAT?--u're just too desperate to fall down for scum and satanic filth.

      And now u "believe people . . . should believe anything they want"?--well so what?--what do u want?--a purple do-nut?

      What u fear and hate IS TRUTH and the necessary free expression appropriate thereto.

    2. Apsterian,

      If the world is cyclic - then our actions simply do not matter. Perhaps you are right and my actions offending the public are of no good.

      The end times are near or they aren't. If they are then there is no point to discussions of religion since if we know the end in advance there is no point in trying to change things.

      Let them believe what they want - why poke the bear? Let him sleep.



    3. Nature of the human conflict: Christianity and Objectivity vs. Subjectivism, hubris, fascism

      Book of Revelations "end times" merely refers to and confirm the CYCLIC nature. "End times" don't necessarily mean end of all time and creation--just the end of latest CYCLE, that's all.

      And we already know our actions don't matter too much, do they? Ho ho ho ho

      And what's the real fight?--it's within and among humanity for how to co-operate and act most in harmony.

      Most people are in the middle, not knowing too well, the poles then being Christians/rationalists heeding to objectivity AGAINST Jews and fascist associates, like u, filled w. hubris, pretending u're God, insisting upon "good-evil" Pharisaism by which u work to intimidate and terrorize the people. U people run all sorts of scams, like central-banking and are actually quite successful for defrauding the people in the "decline" phase of CYCLIC history.

  3. Apsterian,

    I can see your point regarding Spengler's theory regarding the cyclic nature of civilizations. I really have to study Spengler more -

    if civilizations are cyclic in that they follow a predictably reliable pattern then every civilization is doomed - it is simply a matter of when, and when will the various subcycles of this overall cycle occur. In this case it seems that all the citizen should do is observe and try to profit from the goodness and badness all along the way.

    I'm not so sure such a concept can coexist with another which I suppose I've believed which is freedom of choice and decision - and that our decisions - mostly our physical actions in this physical manifestation of this universe - matter. These decisions make a difference - here in this reality. But alas - as pointed out by Walter Lippmann, if a fake reality is presented to the herd or flock they are basing decisions and ultimately physical actions in a physical world based on a make-believe world fed to them by possibly bad people. Therefore I think it is better to bring up these difficult observations as I did above, so that people can more deeply consider the consequences of those actions - thereby making the world a better place - rather than simply giving up before putting up a fight.



    AnonymousMar 2, 2015, 9:20:00 PM

    Bertrand Russell said "Love is wise, hatred is foolish" in an interview you can find on youtube. I agree with him.

    If in pursuit of peace I think giving up some predjudices against other religions and encouraging people from two sides to see those problems in their true form is a good place to start. I wonder whether or not the church leaders are asking these questions in the churches? Especially if churches etc... claim to be the originators of any particular moral law. Therefore the leaders must be called out and proven via examination of the resulting attitudes they've helped influence. Then it can get better.




    1. JR states issues and basic conflict--though he doesn't seem to realize it.

      "...I've believed which is freedom of choice and decision - and that our decisions - mostly our physical actions in this physical manifestation of this universe - matter. These decisions make a difference - here in this reality." --JR, fm above

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      This above quote by u is very picture and definition of HUBRIS--u imagine u're God. But u don't have a perfectly "free" will, and u're TOTALLY subject to God and laws of universe--as demonstrated w. every moment and action--how can u disprove law of cause-effect?

      And that's what's the whole religious and political issue--those honest, rational people who follow objective nature of reality vs. hubristic subjectivists like u who imagine u're God--that's why u push ur dictatorship founded upon ur filthy subjectivist "morality" (Pharisaism).

      And the "fight" u mention is btwn subjectivist fascists like u, pushing ur Pharisaist "moralism" vs. the honest people who prefer to heeding laws of reality--WE'RE CHRISTIANS, and we've NEVER "given-up."

      Finally, as usual w. u, ur quote fm Russel is absurd--u love HUBRIS, as we see, and we Christians hate hubris.

      "Peace"?--one can have peace within, but political peace among peoples is always problematic. U can go ahead and give up ur "prejudices" like coward u are, but u shouldn't expect everyone else to being so cowardly.

      And "morality" properly only follows fm reason, morality being logic btwn ends and means.

      "Then it can get better"?--humans are sinners and there will always be strife, and only thing we can hope for is reason, social-contract, reason being founded in OBJECTIVITY, not subjectivist hubris as u want.

    2. Apsterian,

      After wading through your fire and brimstone one cannot help but notice that you are self contradictory. At first - you profess Spengler's cyclic nature where everything MUST follow a predetermined pattern where we cannot change our world - those of us pretending to be Gods - then you critcize those like me for giving up trying to convince religious people to stop slaughtering each other.

      You cannot have it both ways.


  4. Apsterian,

    Yes finally - and if events are truly cyclic as Spengler says - those blogs don't matter because the future is predetermined.

    So the religious discussions at some point divide people, I think rather than unite them.


    1. "[R]ather than unite them"?--So gosh-darned what?--as if "uniting" is the whole pt. to ur stinking cowardly preconception. So urs is just the religion of "unity," eh? U suck, making no sense, as usual.

      And the proper question/issue then is what matters and how. Thus humans properly strive to heeding to nature, and the better humans understand nature and necessary heeding thereto, the better off they are--that's entire human effort as all rational people have always understood.

      Future is undoubtedly pre-determined, given all we know, reality being objective w. distinct nature, hence obviously humanity must heed--that's obvious, what folks have ALWAYS known and tried to do.

  5. People want their religion held beyond question there is no reasoning allowed meaning nowhere to make progress. I just piss everybody off for nothing.


    1. How do u pretend to know what "people want"?--"religion" is primitive philosophy, that's all, religion being the substitute for philosophy fm before human reason and logic were consciously understood.

      Only about 5% or so of humanity has any confidence w. formal logic and reasoning--that's why most folks want their philosophy, such as it is, put in form of aestheticalist allegory, or "religion," in way of story-telling and mythology, rendering what we call "morals to the story."

      U may "piss off" some, but how do u know u piss-off "everybody"?--typical presumption of victim of hubris as u are.

    2. Apsterian,
      Truth is overrated and out sold to the public - if you don't know that by your observations that's an observation you may make in the future perhaps. Religious discussions always seem to bring out the worst in everyone - if that's all they accomplish then there is no point. You can tell by level of support for something you do - like questioning religious policies. I only got into it because the topic was brought to me. I have doubts if the religious people actually want to settle their differences that's all. I think they want to kill each other and I'm just slowing the process down in the Spenglerian cycle you have presented.

      I have to think about it.

    3. ...also I can tell when everybody is pissed off via observation. Everybody including you is pissed off that's how. And that's all that I accomplished. Nothing more. I have to give that some thought about why I should leave something like that up there. It only seems to bring harm not good.

    4. These are just lies: all u're doing is suppressing the natural and necessary dialectic, that's all--ur lies are just ur cowardly excuses.

    5. Apsterian,

      What a charitably religious person you are - like the rest of them. So full of hate. Once again you make my point for me.
      The blogs questioning religious authority will simply bring hatred as all religious discussions do. Like I said before - I think these religious people just need a hatred outlet, fomented by their pastor, preacher or whatever, and the opposing religion serves as "enemy."

    6. Pharisaic "Virtue" Built On Lies

      One thing, at least, we now find: u're a hubristic, subjectivist, a Pharisaic who insists upon "free" will--no wonder u sympathize w. Jews, against humanity and Christianity, worship of truth.

      Further, note the typical, tell-tale sanctimony and self-righteousness of the Pharisaic who accuses someone of hate (as if he imagines he's better or different, or that he's accomplished anything). But we see it's u who hates truth and honesty--one who lies as well as hates, hates no less.

      Any honest and rational dialectic will bring truth--which u hate most of all, typical Pharisaic.

      And let's get something straight, sucker: it's a matter of HONESTY, aside fm truth--if u don't hate, then u can't love, as they're simply reciprocals of the same basic emotion--u're (a) a liar, (b) who ignores, hates, and denies reality, (c) pretending he's rational and/or "moral" in doing it all, the typical Pharisaic, mystic, fascist.

      So what if "religious people just need a hatred outlet"?--if that's way reality is, then it's the truth--and again, u just hate truth, hence reality--whose fault or problem is that?

      Ur enemy, along w. ur anti-human buddies, Jews, is all reason, reality, truth, God, honesty, etc.--all in the child's effort to pretending to a non-existent "moral" virtue, existing only within ur subjectivist world, working to impress those who intimidate u, Jews evidently. U're just a cowardly liar, and it's no wonder people hate hubristic psychopaths like u.

    7. Apsterian,

      Respecting people's feelings is not hating truth. That's absurd. Also this lie you accuse me of - what is it?

      Name-calling is logical fallacy - but nice job anyway.

      Cowardice is subjective in this case - no argument there on a subjective.

      As far as Jews I've replied to that a hundred times - it is a word subject to interpretation and viewpoint errors.

      People hate people like me because I write posts like those I took down. I'm used to being hated but I don't need to bring any more hatred onto myself with posts like that when the folks are so brainwashed by their religious leaders. As I think it over I have to re-evaluate if it is doing anybody any good.

      The charge of psychopath sounds like an emotional outburst - being a religious person I understand why you would respond that way rather than with reason.


    8. The Pharisaist Wiggles, Squirms Over Subjectivism, Hubris

      It's ur blog, so u gotta edit it the way u see fit in order to insure u're expressing things the way u want. Otherwise, I criticize. And I pt. out u only under-line ur sheer cowardice and ignorance about religion (for one thing)--which seems to be a dirty word for u.

      And there's NO ONE more "brainwashed" than hubristic, hypocritical, Pharisaist, subjectivist like urself. On other hand, u deserve credit for ur honesty, such as it is, by which u so reveal urself, ho ho ho ho.

      U can't seem to grasp what "religious" even means--simply the integration of conscious w. subconscious which poor humans try to doing to best of their ability, and which religion includes within it implicit philosophy, religion being the cultural ancestor of philosophy prior to the explicit working-out of formal logic, etc., as in ancient, classical Greece. Indeed, "religion" still, and CONTINUES to express philosophy in aestheticalist, allegoric manner and terms--like our dear Christian story/account.

      Above at 2:14 am, 3 Mar, I specifically denounce ur lies and lying, referring to ur immediately above 2 comments preceding my entry. I DO understand, however, how u want to worm out of it by saying it's "subjective."

      To properly "respect" people, u should respect reason, I say, and NOT suppressing and taking-down legitimate, substantial dialectic, which suppression u do as consequence of ur craven cowardice--but as I note, it is ur blog in which u don't mind expressing such cowardice. And since u're subjectivist by principle (Pharisaist), of course it seems such "cowardice" is excusable.

  6. Apsterian please define:

    "Dirty Word" - also I cannot thank you enough for giving me something to think about. I have to do a bit of reading to understand fully your educated efforts to wise me up.

    Again I have to think about it - also if I put it back up I will still qualify for coward so what benefit is there in the end for me other than opprobrium.

    I will see if a sign appears telling me to put it back up - after all it was divine inspiration that wrote it in the first place not me.


    1. "Religion" Is Not Dirty Word

      Ur original blogs which u've taken-down cannot be considered "offensive," certainly not to any true and proper Christian. U simply put up ur thoughts for discussion which any fair person would consider is legitimate thing to do. As I recall, ur last one simply reported things and impressions as u were in some kind of club, working on ur lap-top. The earlier one was even more analytic.

      And I wouldn't say u were coward for putting-up the blog-content/articles--I know I didn't say it then. If u're honest (which I presume u were) then u shouldn't worry about "cowardice."

      U seem to use word, "religious," as dirty-word--in way of something disreputable, worthy of dis-approval. U fail to note religious can also be used of reason and science--as in "scientology," ho ho ho--"scientific" even evokes a measure of religiousity. "Thorough-going rationalism" is a kind of religiousness.

      Rationalist as I am, "mystic" is far more deserving of disreputability, and mystic is not synonymous w. "religious." Mystic merely is a form of religion, but there is also rational, too. All u need do is ck dictionary.

    2. You mentioned: Pelagianism.

      Pelagianism defined by wiki (barf) is:
      "Pelagianism is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special Divine aid. '

      Pelagianism is something that must be UNlearned to find truth because the concept of "original sin" is a manmade idea -

    3. "Man-made idea"?--so does that mean there's some idea that isn't man-made? Humans are creatures of WILL, hence self-interested; hence, according to Christian philosophy, humans are sinners, given to self-interest, such was and still is religious understanding.

      U're Pelagianist as u imagine u can "choose" "good," as if there is such thing as "good."

  7. Apsterian,

    Your accusing me of being Pelagianistic can be reduced to a fancy form of name-calling which is a logical fallacy.

    Also this "Pelagianism" you've adopted is something you learned from someone - and for you to find truth maybe you should consider the world without Pelagianism - the world as it was before your mind was re-routed (poisoned?) with the manmade idea called Pelagianism (which can be further broken down into meaningful pieces rendering it useless in itself). Maybe the inventor of this Pelagianism was wrong - would you agree that error as such is to be considered? Just because someone coined the term doesn't mean it has any sense whatsoever- it is a distraction to clear thought in my opinion.

    Also Pelagianism, is a made-up word whose only purpose is to dismiss the messenger not the message because defining "Pelagianism" becomes the focus of the discussion, rather than truth.


    1. JR, Filled With Hubris Is Actually Extreme Pelagianist

      Well JR, if u're a liar, then u can call that "name-calling," but it's still the fact and the truth--and that's not logical fallacy.

      Newsflash: all "ideas" are man-made.

      Pelagianism is a heresy, the idea (man-made) that one can make it to heaven on one's own merits--against proper Christian teaching that one is hopeless sinner (self-interested) and requires God's grace and mercy to getting to heaven--which half-baked scum like u think u're too smart to believe.

      Regardless, fact remains Pelagianism, whether u consider u're guilty of it or not, is founded on ideas (a) one can be "good," (b) by means of hubris and subjectivism and (c) a perfectly "free" human will. And u accept all of these premises which would make u Pelagianist.

      So u're effectively a Pelagian, though u imagine, in all ur typical hubris, that u're tooooooo good or smart to being one--u're actually MORE of a Pelagianist than u imagine, filled w. hubris.

    2. Apsterian,

      I'm probably not a Pelagian in all cases all the time, therefore I refuse to join the club of Pelagianists.


    3. Right: u're a subjectivist, reality being what u want it to be whenever; filled w. hubris, u have God-like powers of will, except u just don't call urself God, out of respect for ur fellow humans, naturally, whom u wouldn't want to think u were sooo hubristic, smug and secure in ur own "moral" virtue.

  8. Apsterian,

    I'm probably not a subjectivist all the time in all cases so I refuse to join that club either. I'm just me.


    1. Sociology, Philosophy of Subjectivism, satanism

      righto--and who isn't?. So that's ur excuse?--not all the time? Same goes for any murderer or criminal, eh?

      Question is are u subjectivist?--answer is yes, period. U believe in "good-evil," and perfectly free human, hence God-like will.

      But u also pt. up the problem w. Jews too. Jews are subjectivists all the time, much as possible--after all, that's their religion. U, on other hand, are more half-baked, less sure, about it, the entire subjectivist philosophy, like all the typical goyim. And that's what makes kikes the lead, top criminals, goyim like u merely suck-along, "useful idiot."

      Interesting note: there surely are stupid Jews who seldom if ever study or know the Talmud, who also, like u, might well say, well gee, but satan isn't who I worship--but they go along w. their satanic rabbis, often as they do, often as they affirm their "Judaism."

      Subjectivism and moralism (Pharisaism) is integral part of satanic hierarchy, indubitably--which even u might well deny u're part of, even though u really are as u endorse and go along w. moralism, etc.

    2. Objective Vs. Subjective Views Of World And The CYCLIC Character Of Things Political And Cultural

      At any rate, now u see how people are or can be understood for basic thought-patterns: (a) subjectivists, beginning w. those who are thorough-going subjectivists--satanists and Jews, then such as urself, a "moralist" who seriously believes in "good-evil," though u probably wouldn't call urself satanist--u even shy fm "subjectivist."

      (b) And then there are those of us who believe strictly in the objective, hence determined world, w. no perfectly "free" human will, and no "good-evil," ethics then mere logic btwn ends and means, as it's always and properly been understood to being, in the scientific fashion.

      And u see thus, there are very few people who grasp things according to such strict philosophy, but people rather "gravitate" btwn the two "poles," so to speak, objective vs. subjective, Jews prevailing for strict numbers, though again there are very few outright satanists, esp. among gentiles (it would seem).

      Christianity, naturally, tends much towards the strict objective, though again, far too few people understand and grasp things in such strict terms. But I adopt such Christianity as means of opposing Jews and satanists.

      In politics there's a similar division, the "liberals" usually and generally understood as moralists and Jew-friendly, the "conservatives" usually understood as more Christian-oriented or -sympathizing.

      Difficult thing is people refuse to think in strict terms--subjectivist and satanist vs. objective, etc. Jews (subjectivists) and satanists thus have a distinct advantage, esp. for politics, adopting the child's "ethics" of "good-evil," the true Christian having it more difficult to opposing Jews.

      And thus, overall, one see things take a CYCLIC character over time and history: the rise of any empire being founded at first in objectivity and honesty as the empire (or at least the foundation to it) is first built and established by genuine heroes, but then the "decline" phase of empire marked by the typical moralist indulgence of welfare-state and social-spending.

    3. The Culture Of "Good-Evil" Used For Social-Control

      Thus one sees as matter of culture and psychology one is taught the fallacy/heresy of "good-evil," subjectivism, and a perfectly "free" will--in order to cause the child to taking responsibility and assuming guilt/inferiority -complex--the easier to controlling the people by the social manipulators.

      Thus the people are left to contend w. subjectivism by means of this "good-evil" delusion, very few ever graduating to the idea of an objective, hence determinist reality of absolute cause-effect, there being no possibility of such child's perfectly "free" will.


  9. Jews Dominance During Cultural "Decline" Explained

    So anyway, u see now the manipulation war is all a function of the subjective-objective dichotomy. "Satanists" are simply total subjectivists who insist they make the world and the rules, doing what they "wilt."

    Jews are collective subjectivists who follow their leaders, and these manage to control things subjectivist, the goyim being too individualistic for enough cohesion to effectively oppose Jews. This is why/how Jews dominate even given the otherwise ironic fact they're soooo few--they're yet most cohesive, only possibility of their faltering being they falling-out w. one another.

    1. Satanism, Jews, & Subjectivism Within CYCLIC, Determined, Objective Reality

      And regarding this Jew falling-out among themselves, we see indeed there is SOME rivalry or contention among Jews, the recent Netan-yahoo speech in US Congress being important indicator/example.

      For it would seem there are the "leftist" Jews, fronted by figure-head, Obola, who want to foment internal race-war within Jew S A, war in Ukraine, etc., who co-operate w. Israel to an extent, as for the war in Syria.

      These "leftists" are surely in favor of "climate-change," for another example, and want to reduce human population by the various means, including toxic vaccines, GMO poisonous foods, glyphosate poisoning, among other poisons, like fluoride in the water.

      Then there are the "rightist" -type Jews, like Netan-yahoo, who want to keep goyim around to continue exploiting them for the willing, idiot slaves they are, this all founded upon subjectivism--perhaps, as the sides sometime blur into one another on lots of issues.

      Regardless, humanity will only have a chance to recover and survive as the satanists fall-out w. one another upon whatever pretext, the CYCLE continuing, the satanists/Jews suffering their own hubris. Such then is the CYCLIC and pyschologic/cultural calculation for things.

      One thing is sure: Judaism IS satanism--see RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo. Is it possible that goyim satanists could ever possibly, conceivably dominate the master satanists, Jews, the most PRACTICAL satanists?--surely not.


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