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http://www.infowars.com/president-obamas-ndaa-signing-statement-i-have-the-power-to-detain-americans-but-i-wont/ |
Yep. He did it!
What? You haven't heard? The NDAA - the unconstitutional (translated ILLEGAL) "law" [sic] where the chief dunce in charge signed a scam being foisted upon We the People - purporting to make it legal to take me and YOU and YOUR KIDS AWAY - indefinitely - without the right to trial, a lawyer ( as if they matter anyway - good ones are scarcer than hen's teeth) - nothing - 'cause stupid Obama thinks he is GOD! Hey - now all anybody will have to do if they want you to, as Bill O'Reilly would say, is "shut up", will be to accuse you of being a "terrorist." Too bad the word "terrorist" doesn't really mean anything.
Rest assured: Obama says he'll never use the power he just "gave" himself (in violation of his oath of office he tried to flub) in anticipation of this event- an oath John Roberts made him re-do -which makes him accountable for his betrayal of We the People
A reassurance and PROMISE not to DO something coming from the biggest liar our planet has ever known, next to Hitler, is supposed to allay my concerns that he has just become dictator? (He lied about EVERYTHING)
Other than Obama wiping his ass with YOUR Bill of Rights in broad daylight - what will it take to wake YOU people up who are still arguing over Democrat vs Republican ?
Really - are you insane? Both parties hatched this plot to UNDERMINE OUR RIGHTS
- the most liberal of the liberals like Leahy and Levin -
- and the most right of right like that complete idiot Lyndsey Graham.
Ask yourself - my citizen-patriot friend - how is it possible for these opposites to actually agree on something - possibly for the first time in history - and the end-game is that YOU and I and YOUR KIDS, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN, EVERY TAXPAYER IN THE US - LOSES! Isn't that special? WTF????????
Without a Constitution/Bill of Rights - and an understanding that the principles of the Declaration of Independence are waiting in the wings in case the last two are disrespected - YOU HAVE NOTHING. Kiss everything you hold dear, sacred, property, family, spiritually, anything - KISS IT GOODBYE! - that is - unless you are willing to fight to retain these sacred foundations of what it means to be an American.
Here's something to think about: LINK HERE where some idiotic woman, "unfriended" by some guy she was with, decided to use the even more idiotic FBI, to get back at him. We all know the FBI's role: brainwash kids to become snitches, create fake "terrorist events"by "ratcheting up the rhetoric" to get more of our tax money to perpetuate their miserable corrupt existence, or as a Gestapo - bugging citizens without warrant so said citizens can be blackmailed in the future when somebody needs them to "shut up.":
"The charge stems from an anonymous call Sariol reportedly placed Sept. 25 to a United Airlines call center in Detroit. It is alleged that she said a Frenchman and his friends, all of whom have Arabic surnames, posed an unspecified threat to a plane set to depart that day from Los Angeles International Airport to Las Vegas and then on to Paris, according to court papers.
FBI agents were dispatched to LAX to intercept the group."
Isn't this grand? Some dumbass desperado calls the FBI and oh boy - they are dispatched - loaded for bear - to investigate........ZERO. What else is new? If you didn't visit the link to the FBI website provided above where they encourage kids to become filthy rats - maybe you should. They are corrupt, and corrupting our youth with the wrong values. What else would government pukes on the government dole paid with your and my tax money, willing to corrupt kids do to kids? If they are willing to corrupt the kids' minds at an early age - then they really don't care about the kids now do they? Anybody willing to molest a mind, surely, ..... is willing to molest..........well I don't know. What's the point?
I'm trying to convince you that your government is corrupt. Horribly corrupt. Incorrigibly corrupt - with the new hires meeting the standards of the corrupt, lying, unconstitutional stooges who rose to the top of this cesspool known as the FBI. It is a swamp of scummy reptiles - with no higher brain function - just "follow orders" and "shoot to kill" executables embedded in their sorry excuses for brains.
And if the FBI is corrupt, which it is, to the core - then who is one to turn to? Answer: Nobody in the Federal Dictatorship - because that is exactly what it has become with the Chief Numbskull in Charge signing this NDAA into "law" - pretending that he has the power to stop me from writing this blog post - pretending that he has the power to send some dumbass muscle-bound gun-slingers over here -to detain me for saying what is as plain as the nose on YOUR FACE - that it is time to fight back.
How? You tell me. All I know is that it is time to fight back against these traitorous fiends - slowly - incrementally - universally - totally - encroaching like roaches on YOUR LIBERTY - YOUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS - as they pretend in their insect-like fashion - that the hive is more important than the rights of the individual. Boy are they wrong.
The poor kid said to me: "Oh those crooks in the White House in Washington, DC can do whatever they want." I disagreed - I said: "No they can't - they can only get away with what YOU ALLOW THEM TO GET AWAY WITH - it is time for you to fight."
By "fight" I wish to be clear - by "fight" I mean using deadly force - to kill anyone who comes to your door pretending that they can detain YOU, YOUR KIDS, your GRANDMOTHER, ANYBODY - indefinitely and without trial cause some stupid ass "Constitutional Scholar" in the White House pretends he has that right. The Dope in the White House has NO SUCH RIGHT - which brings us to the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence states that WE THE PEOPLE MUST OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT WHEN IT NO LONGER SERVES US - PERIOD. There is nothing else to talk about. Talk about "what will happen if Russia does this?" and "what will happen if China does that?" and "what will happen if ice cream melts in August?" - nobody gives a rat's ass anymore - the leeches have to go - the would-be tyrants pretending to have the authority to send sheriffs to MY HOUSE to SHUT ME UP - any dumbass fuckin' dolt wearing a badge that can't understand he's a NAZI for following such orders deserves to DIE. PERIOD. READ THE CONSTITUTION LAW ENFORCEMENT! AND I MEAN RIGHT F'N NOW!
The Declaration of Independence states that WE THE PEOPLE MUST OVERTHROW OUR GOVERNMENT WHEN IT NO LONGER SERVES US - PERIOD. There is nothing else to talk about. Talk about "what will happen if Russia does this?" and "what will happen if China does that?" and "what will happen if ice cream melts in August?" - nobody gives a rat's ass anymore - the leeches have to go - the would-be tyrants pretending to have the authority to send sheriffs to MY HOUSE to SHUT ME UP - any dumbass fuckin' dolt wearing a badge that can't understand he's a NAZI for following such orders deserves to DIE. PERIOD. READ THE CONSTITUTION LAW ENFORCEMENT! AND I MEAN RIGHT F'N NOW!
2012 WILL BE a year of change for sure. In the end - the scumbags that voted this treasonous insult bill and watched as the liar-in-chief signed it into "law" - when they feel the "tyranny of the masses" as temporary "democracy" settles this issue - before the next just Republic is installed - a dangerous time - yes - but he signed the declaration of war upon us citizens - yes - when they feel the tyranny of the masses - it's gonna' hurt. Tar and feathers are too kind. A guillotine is probably, as it was designed originally to be, much more humane.
The stooge "Constitutional Scholar" in the White House in Hawaii, signing this unconstitutional bill into "law" can mean only one thing:
They are scared sh%tless. They know that we know that THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Pretty simple. Ron Paul should be the next president - and with all my heart I hope he becomes the next Prez and lives long enough before assassination to do what he's promised us. Regardless - it matters not.
The revolution is here one way or the other. Pick your side. If you are a government puke supporting this crap, or a soul-less mercenary - good luck to you - you won't make it through alive in my opinion. Better find a way to make money on the just before you just become bones in the ground.
I'd like to leave you with a thought. There is only one person - right now - at this critical point on the timeline of history - American - International - whatever.... this timeline of liberty....that can get to root cause - that person is Ron Paul.
The above is not an ad - it is a rant - and an expression of rage. Rage that needs to be directed to those who think, that for one minute, that I, Jack Rabbit, will be taken alive, ignoring my unalienable rights - need to think again.
Any government stooge, mercenary, fool, cop, sheriff - or whatever had better not come here uninvited. And one more thing. My wife is not involved in this you black-shirted scumbags. So at least have the decency, which you law-enforcement goons lack anyway, at least find the decency the mob has for its victims to not come here while my wife is home looking for me. She's not in this game. AS for me - as a Jack Rabbit - obvously it's open-season and we'll sort that part out.
Too bad the cops, sheriffs and the rest of them can't read. That's the biggest challenge we face- whether I make it through the new year or not - I just don't give a shit. All I can say is that I will live and be executed as a free man in Thomas Jefferson's town rather than exist as a slave.
I'd like to leave you with a thought. There is only one person - right now - at this critical point on the timeline of history - American - International - whatever.... this timeline of liberty....that can get to root cause - that person is Ron Paul.
The above is not an ad - it is a rant - and an expression of rage. Rage that needs to be directed to those who think, that for one minute, that I, Jack Rabbit, will be taken alive, ignoring my unalienable rights - need to think again.
Any government stooge, mercenary, fool, cop, sheriff - or whatever had better not come here uninvited. And one more thing. My wife is not involved in this you black-shirted scumbags. So at least have the decency, which you law-enforcement goons lack anyway, at least find the decency the mob has for its victims to not come here while my wife is home looking for me. She's not in this game. AS for me - as a Jack Rabbit - obvously it's open-season and we'll sort that part out.
Too bad the cops, sheriffs and the rest of them can't read. That's the biggest challenge we face- whether I make it through the new year or not - I just don't give a shit. All I can say is that I will live and be executed as a free man in Thomas Jefferson's town rather than exist as a slave.
Happy New Year!
N...W...O.....4 LIFE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRevolution IS the Solution!!
ReplyDeleteWhatever - those who think the NWO is good - are ignorant - and must be held accountable for their ignorance - as ignorance - is not an excuse for breaking the law.
ReplyDeleteAS things intensify - I can only say that those of you who think you have rights - better assert them NOW - and if you die in the process - you did your part. That's the way I'm going - but I don't think it is OK for my wife to get gunned down in the process - since she doesn't even know what Iv'e been doing oin the computer for tha last coupla' years.
Either way - fight for your soul - there is no life without liberty - the FEDS are trying to get all of you to cower and suck up like good little slaves - to ......NOTHING.... there really is nothing after you've tasted READ LIBERTY is therE? THEY KNOW THAT! HA HA HA!
ReplyDeleteThe scumbags f'd up - a scumbag must raise a generation of un-free drones - who've never tasted freedom - then enslave them.
Americans - with their arms - have no time for this. Get out your AR-15s, your WASR-10's, your AKs, your M1 Garands (rut roh) - get'em all out - get some ammo and get ready to slaughter any pile of NAZI dung on the govt payroll, mercenary, government loser or otherwise, military dumbass, all of them - they are all WRONG - AND IF WILLING TO USE LETHAL FORCE TO DENY YOUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS DESERVE TO FUCKING DIE ON THE SPOT.
This bill, and the lop-sided vote it received among “liberals” and “conservatives” tells me that National Security personnel have informed congress and the president that a bloody revolution is coming their way, and that they had better come up with a bill that allows them to arrest and detain high-profile critics who, via internet blogs, U-Tube, and other sources of alternative news are alerting the general population to their treasonous crimes. Like NAFTA and the Patriot Act before it, I suspect the NDAA was written and agreed upon long before it was introduced as legislation, because there is simply no other way to explain how and why a bill that effectively repeals the Bill of Rights would suddenly emerge from obscurity and get signed into law with virtually no opposition and with little public debate. It a historical fact that when the Bolsheviks took over Russia, and the Reds took over China, the first people they arrested and sent away were the thinkers and intellectuals who spoke out against the outrages taking place. You can rest assured that this bill was written and signed into law for the exact same reason and purpose.
ReplyDeleteJust because he singed it don't make it so. I think I just heard the shot heard around the world.. Thank you Jack Rabbit. you just made my day..Greg in UT.
ReplyDeleteThey are going to ass fuck your wife in front of you and then rape you with a rusty piece of reebar. All because you wouldn't set up a proper bunker, stand a post with your neighbors. They were able to sneak up on you while you were dreaming of lazy daze on the beach in Maui. FOOL! NO ONE POSTS WHERE "THEY" LIVE??? GIVE ME AN ADDRESS AND I'll GIVE YOU CORPSES OF GOLDMAN SACHS VERMIN & OTHERS. POST ITINERARIES, NO MORE RANTS, POST INTEL!
ReplyDelete...like this post is news........
ReplyDelete"the elite are scared"
ReplyDeletebeen hearing this a lot lately, why would they be scared? Even the truth community ignores their leader ("Queen" Elizabeth 2) , her henchmen (Rothschild, Ratzinger, Bush, Obama, all freemasons, all jesuits, they own the banks, the media and the military and much more including your FOOD)....the economy is a PLANNED COLLAPSE, why would they be scared when all the LOSSES are their PROFITS.
Hey I'm all for truth and them going down but without identifying their leaders, their funding, their communications (MASS LIES, SYMBOLS EVERYWHERE) and their END AGENDA (all the worst parts of Revelation, take 666 or die, and death will be a relief from their hellish slave planet)
Again, I highly doubt they are nervous at all, unless there is a GOD, and if there is that's the only thing that will stop them. Not a headless toothless reactionary and misguided "truth" counteraction. (no offense to the author, it's not your fault we have a bunch of gatekeepers running this thing. Gatekeepers that don't do research outside the lying MSM and co-opted "scholars." It's called history these royal families didn't just give their power away, they went UNDERGROUND. Research Joan Veon and BRITISH COMMONWEALTH)
Please people, read the bill. You are being taken for another ride on the BS express.
ReplyDeleteI have the relevant portions below. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE AMERICANS FOR MILITARY DISPOSITION. IT SPECIFICALLY "EXCLUDES AMERICANS".. Go to thomas.loc for the entire bill. The only thing you can trust these day's are your own eyes
Subtitle D--Counterterrorism
(d) Construction- Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.
(e) Authorities- Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.
(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Watch Graham's performance on the floor. No day in court if you are a "terrorist"
ReplyDeleteAnybody defending this law needs their head examined.
We already have a law - it is called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. What's with all the extra laws and gibberish listed above? Why didn't the founding fathers put that in the Constitution?
You give up your Constitution and Bill of Rights and you just gave up your life.
Yes - we are to believe that the traitors just wrote a law that has NO IMPACT - has no relevance - nothing. It doesn't mean a thing. Yes - and lemme guess - you can take that to the bank!
rock on bro.
ReplyDeleteThis rant is about defending one's own unalienable rights. It is not about denying the unalienable rights of others.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in murdering the swine responsible for our train wreck, I believe in the rule of law - meaning accountability.
I'm getting tired of making excuses for adults who wear uniforms who don't know why they are wearing that uniform, and what they are carrying that gun for.
It is NOT to detain American citizens without due process. Anyone doing so becomes a criminal - whether their actions are with government approval or not.
Any government that pretends it is protecting your liberty by denying it is a government that needs some new people running the place.
Get Ron Paul in there before these whackos start the next big one - 'cause that's exactly what they intend.
Maybe I used too many words for Jack Rabbit to muddle through. So just for you Rabbit, I will repost, just,the two sections, from the passed bill, which preclude any detention of American Citizens by the military. The clauses are below, please read them. I recommend you go to thomas.loc put NDAA in the search box and read the bill yourself. I am not defending this system of control and manipulation. I am just trying to understand it with a clear head.
ReplyDelete(b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
(1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Obama did say he will "protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY."
ReplyDeleteStupid as defined by Websters:
a : slow of mind : obtuse b : given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting in an unintelligent or careless manner c : lacking intelligence or reason : brutish
: marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting : senseless (a stupid decision)
I think you protest too much... they've already murdered Alwaki, and his son without trial - despite his father's request that he have a trial.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and defend the legislation - we already have a Constitution - what's with all this legalese BS?
It's more laws from lawyers and white-collar criminals attempting to convince the public that the executive should have the power of life and death over all of us.
That is plain to me.
Liberty is a historical anomaly, tyranny is more the rule - thanks to people like yourself who wish to lie to the public about the danger of this legislation.
This legislation is dangerous indeed - there are many more people speaking out about the dangers than folks like you trying to defend the concentration of power in the executive.
Fuck Webster - I know stupid when I see it.
Here' some more words for The Dictionary commenter to look up:
Read this by Mike Adams - why must we go around in circles about legalese? Extrajudicial killing and indefinite detention are already being done - if the law doesn't change anything - why did they write it? It is an attempt to legitimize martial law because the psychopaths will continue with their war plan - eventually those feeling the wrath of our bombs will be in a position where self-defense trumps politics - and they will be forced to fight back. When the bombs hit here at home - people are gonna' go looking for the politicians that just couldn't sit down and figure a peaceful way out of this - and that is exactly what this legislation is for. Civil unrest as the food runs out etc...
ReplyDeleteSection 1032(b) in S1867ES
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is Obama promising not to do with this new power?
ReplyDeleteJonathan Turley from GWU: