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Warning: What you are about to read has not been edited to make it readable. Read at your own risk............................................
Poor America.
It is difficult watching people destroy themselves.
It is easy to understand after some study.
This blogging is difficult for me because it can come across as "negative" whatever that means. Call it like you see it I was told as a child - but now as an adult I am expected to pretend everything is hunky-dory - in other words - NEVER SAY ANYTHING IS WRONG or be demonized by those under the spell of ....
Those receiving their information exclusively from media outlets that share common goals will live in a world with certain boundaries. Who picks the boundaries?
There is no problem with any media having goals - the problem arises when there are too few media owners - which equates to too few ideas presented to the ELECTORATE. This means it is easy to get the herd to act in unison - to galvanize them with the hypnosis available from every form of media. Owning all of these hypnosis outlets in the same market means that it is almost impossible for anyone to get through to the public on issues that really need to penetrate the smoke screen. What kinds of issues? All kinds regarding the well being of the public to the well being and future of the nation. Yes - we CAN fix things and get going into a positive direction.
This country WILL BE DESTROYED if we do not change our course. Dictatorial scumbags who torture and murder are ALWAYS destroyed - and they ALWAYS DESERVE IT. This means YOU AND ME.
My opinions are just opinions - and if they are dangerous to the powers that be - maybe we need to accept the ability of the government to murder us if we speak up. I don't know - all I have are opinions. If you wish to know the answer - I think such a thought is insane. The government needs to be fixed if it asserts a need to violate our rights in order to protect our rights. This is insanity - if you can't understand that - stop drinking your local fluoridated water.
The influence of propaganda here in the 'states has become disturbing. Those in control of the television stations here don't serve the public. In fact they are assisting in the demise of the general population regarding standard of living.
I don't see how anyone can believe that we don't need to have manufacturing here in the US -even from a national security standpoint. The public never gets a chance to hear anything except corporate-friendly messages since the corporations dominate media-blocs in each market - enabled by the abandonment of laws to the contrary that limited the media outlets that could be owned by one entity within certain regions/markets/population-centers etc... In other words the media outlets were spread amongst COMPETING owners which encouraged MULTIPLE VIEWPOINTS. Since these laws which almost ensured COMPETING IDEAS for the consideration of the public were abandoned - our nation has suffered tremendously - and can eventually die from it.
Our country - America - the U.S. - cannot exist without an informed public since elections are supposed to be based upon the decisions of informed citizens - acting upon their analysis of facts - then they vote. When the deck is stacked, (in the media) favoring one side or the other - the dominant side gets to take advantage of the public - and have their way with them - since the public always believes the media. That's why the media is so effective. People really are manipulated with mass media - period.
Thomas Jefferson built the great ideas and conclusions of the country into his architecture.
Very interesting to observe and live in - but in the end......exhausting. I don't know if I really have the energy to be the only person in the room who knows that 911 was an inside job. 911 got us where we are - that is significant - those intent on "sweeping that under the rug" will eventually be identified as the fuck-ups that gave the country away - due to their ignorance, pride, and unwillingness to consider new ideas.
The South is doomed unless they fix some problems. First - they need to be get past their absolutism regarding religious principles- listening to reason for a change . One way or another. Don't get on my ass about saying "religious" because I mean it the way we understand it to be - a religious person here in this article you are reading , is a person that simply believes without proof. That is religion and it seems to be the root of all evil. There is a lot of that going on here where I haven't heard one fucking preacher - and I've been approached by a shitload of them - NOT ONE PREACHER OR ANYONE REPRESENTING CHRIST AROUND HERE HAS SAID ONE SYLLABLE ABOUT STOPPING TORTURE. For this reason I feel the need to lambaste them - the churches and so-called "Christians" (in name only?) --------because Jesus would never torture anyone. Therefore I have higher standards for humanity than any preacher I've met.
Can you understand when I tell you that it does not make me feel good writing this truth. My mother used to say "The Truth Hurts" - she was right. How can we be in such a sorry state of morality here in the good 'ole Yoo-Ess-AYY???? I understand the problems with defining morality - all I'm saying is that torture is un-American. It always was going back to Washington - then recently this becomes "the norm." What is with that? It is called the manipulation of the public mind.
Isn't that fucked up? I wonder if this fact has anything to do with their dwindling numbers and defeat in the holy wars they've embarked upon?
When populations/countries are defeated in war - it always boils down to being on the side of EVIL.
That's where we are folks. Now go ahead and bitch at me for telling you these simple facts.
If you are FOR TORTURE I AM AGAINST YOU. Because I have high standards.
George Washington: "It is better to be alone than in bad company."
Jack Rabbit doesn't want to be friends with anyone that supports torture, because Jack RAbbit is an American. Americans don't torture - it's banned in the Constitution - no "cruel or unusual punishment."